Day 3 July 9 2015 - Olhette to Sare

Gradual climb led up to splendid La Rhune. We walked alongside the local folks who 'ran' the trail as if jogging on flat pavement. An hour side trip could have taken us to the top of La Rhune. The single track 'little train' could also take day trippers to the top. Lambs dotted the hillside like starry night sky. However, we had to stare at them long enough till they moved to settle my dispute with my husband whether they were rocks or flesh and blood. With green hills meandering along the trail on both sides, the walk was delightful, even for my always grumpy husband. 4 hours later, we passed the last shepherd’s shelter by the mountain and entered into the outskirt of the village, Sare. It is a picturesque village and a popular tourist destination. If you can settle for some nice sandwiches and ice cream without poking a hole in your wallet, make sure get it done before 7:30 pm. Dinner was not wallet friendly for a hungry hiker in a local restaurant. 

Lodging: Chalet Elisa
Walking time: 5 hours
Elevation: +510 m, -360 m
Level: easy to moderate
Length: 6 miles
