Around the island - guide to drive anywhere you want

How to use "Around Iceland" online map

  • The map illustrates a driving route for a 14-day leisure trip around the island with the exception of Westfjord. Average driving time per day is 3-4 hours, leaving traveler enough time to do some local exploration, such as hiking and museum visits. You could condense the trip into 7 days as I did in June 2009 through 2 to 1 combination. You will be left with the desire for a second trip.
  • Starting point is of course Reykjavik, direction is counterclockwise. Whenever you come across a lodging waypoint on the map, it is recommended to wrap up the day's driving there. Lodging quality is quite uniform in Iceland. You could take my recommendations or simply follow the link to Icelandic Farm Holidays for alternatives.
  • I used google map's layering function to create each driving section. However due to the constraint on the number of layers allowed, I could not create 14 layers, one for each day's drive. I had to pack enough waypoints to fit everything in one map. So rule of thumb is: from one lodging place to another is one full day's travel.
  • A different map for Westfjord will be posted shortly.
  • Click here for descriptions of each day's wonder.
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