Day 16 July 27 2016 Borce

After breakfast, we bid farewell to the white haired couple who marched on towards the Atlantic to complete their epic journey. We had a few hours left before catching the bus to Pau. From Pau, one can get to pretty much anywhere by train. We decided to take a local hike to a lookout in the nearby mountain. I felt like wrapping up the hike with a last push, though I knew I was aiming something unrealistic as lethargy had already crept upon us. An hour into the hike, when we were breathing heavily on an uphill turn, we heard unusually angry dog bark, before we could make sense of it, we found ourselves running down the hill frantically under the chase of two ferocious guard dogs. According to local tourist flyers, guard dogs for the herds are not to be messed with. So we ended the trip with a whimper.

At Refuge Jeandel, we had a long gaze at a detailed GR10 map on the wall. What we have hiked over two summers is no more than one third of the trail. Earthly obligations prevented us from doing too much for one summer. But the walk is not a race for us. The trail gave us a lot to look forward to. We’ll be back.